What I really want for Christmas

Sharon and Sonja on the Christmas Steps

Like any kind of exercise, it’s good to warm up first. Lots of things are difficult from a standing start, or in the case of writing, a blank page. So we always kick off Content Writing Club in the same way - with a writing exercise to help you get into the swing of writing.

This is the one we shared in our December session last week. It inspired some really great writing in the group, so we thought you might like to give it a try. Pick up a pen, set a timer for 10 minutes, and see what you write.

Our Christmas writing exercise

Often we start these writing exercises by asking you to focus on your reader - and we get you to think about what their challenges are, what they’re looking for, what they want - and that is often the best place to start when you’re writing for your business.

It helps you to write in an empathetic customer centred way, in a tone that pulls people in. Your reader feels seen and understood. And that’s powerful.But today we’re not going to do that.

Permission to put yourself first

This time of year it can feel like all the pressure is on you. There are so many people to think about, so many other people’s demands to meet, and needs to be taken into account.  Work, clients, family, relationships, parties, presents, cost of living crisis - there’s a lot to manage and it can all be a bit much.So for today’s exercise we’re giving you permission to put yourself first.

Your jumping off point is ‘What I really really want for Christmas is……’

Write that on the top of your page and you can take it anywhere.

Be honest.

You might write what I really really want for Christmas is 5 minutes to myself, or to be able to relax or to win the lottery.  You might take it in a work related direction - what I really really want is a couple of amazing new clients - or the exercise might take you somewhere completely different - What I really really want is to see the Northern Lights or swim in the Aegean sea or to spend a night under the stars in the desert.

Just start. Don’t stop.

Just start writing and see where it takes you.The usual rules apply. Write with pen or pencil on paper. Don’t stop. If you run out of inspiration keep writing anything - a shopping list will do - or the words of a Christmas Carol - keep writing until the words start flowing again.

Remember the aim of this is to get you into your writing groove, so that you can hit the ground running when it comes to writing whatever it is you need to write today.

And if you enjoy the exercise, do check out Content Writing Club, and think about joining us every month.


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